Koti Capital
Get more value than you pay for with koti capital's value-driven approach
Koti Capital is investment management company. We invest in businesses around the world, following long term investment approach that has proven to be a successful way to grow wealth.
Our strategy is anchored in the belief that true value is realized over time, and our commitment is to ensure consistent returns for our clients in the long run.
We do not charge any management fees, we only charge performance fees. This makes sure our interest are aligned with yours i.e. We make money only when you make money.
Koti Capital’s underlying equity investment philosophy is predicated on a strong belief that significant long-term wealth will be created by investing as “owners” in companies. In our “Invest as Business Owners” approach, we seek companies that have the following characteristics:
Investments may only be made by financially sophisticated individuals who fullfills our requirements and meet certain investment standards.